Cerebral Valley - Week Of August 21st

Tracking The Latest Events Happening In Cerebral Valley

Cerebral Valley Events

August 21st - August 27th

This week is PACKED with events in AI:

AI Investors & Networking

Date: Monday, August 21st
Time: 4:00PM - 6:00PM
Location: Palo Alto
Link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/ai-investors-networking-tickets-691256636207

AI Investor Salon

Date: Monday, August 21st
Time: 6:00PM - 8:00PM
Location: Palo Alto
Link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/ai-investor-salon-tickets-696329559457

AI art and Generative AI Happy Hour

Date: Monday, August 21st
Time: 7:00PM - 9:00PM
Location: San Francisco
Link: https://www.meetup.com/generative-ai-sf-happy-hour/events/295418583/

TimeGPT Launch Announcement

Date: Monday, August 21st
Time: 5:30PM - 8:00PM
Location: San Francisco
Link: https://lu.ma/timegpt

Enterprise-ready Generative AI

Date: Tuesday, August 22nd
Time: 5:30PM - 7:30PM
Location: San Francisco
Link: https://lu.ma/lsp2wisr

AI Investors & Networking

Date: Tuesday, August 22nd
Time: 5:30PM - 8:30PM
Location: San Francisco
Link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/ai-investors-networking-sf-tickets-697421365077

Large Language Models for Enterprise Success: Challenges and Approaches

ArenaX Hackathon

Date: Tuesday, August 22nd - Friday, August 25th
Location: San Francisco
Link: https://arenax.f.inc/

AI Social Club (Meetup #7)

Date: Wednesday, August 23rd
Time: 5:30PM - 8:30PM
Location: San Francisco
Link: https://lu.ma/e2n8vbqy

GenAI Collective and Twelve Labs

Date: Wednesday, August 23rd
Time: 6:30PM - 9:00PM
Location: San Francisco
Link: https://lu.ma/meetup-8-23

AI For Designers #5

Date: Wednesday, August 23rd
Time: 6:00PM - 9:00PM
Location: San Francisco
Link: https://www.meetup.com/ai-user-group/events/294790964/

Tofu AMA with Carol Meyers, fmr CMO Rapid7

Date: Wednesday, August 23rd
Time: 11:00AM - 11:45AM
Location: Remote
Link: https://lu.ma/gnjjr5ph

Llama Lounge SF

Date: Thursday, August 24th
Time: 6:00PM - 9:00PM
Location: San Francisco
Link: https://partiful.com/e/n84xaSL5FFFNUzn2xd0Y

Unlocking the Power of LLMs: A Path to Optimizing, Scaling, and Maximizing ROI

Date: Thursday, August 24th
Time: 12:00PM - 1:00PM
Location: Remote
Link: https://arize.com/resource/unlocking-the-power-of-llms/

Building And Troubleshooting An Advanced LLM Query Engine

Date: Thursday, August 24th
Time: 5:30PM - 8:30PM
Location: San Francisco
Link: https://lu.ma/Advanced-LLM-Query-Engine

Thursday Nights in AI: Amjad Masad, Repl.it

Date: Thursday, August 24th
Time: 7:00PM - 8:30PM
Location: San Francisco
Link: https://lu.ma/amjadmasad?utm_source=cerebralvalley

The Future of AI & Web3

Date: Thursday, August 24th
Time: 4:30PM - 9:00PM
Location: San Francisco
Link: https://lu.ma/web3-ai-sf823

Webinar "Go Beyond Chatbot - Emerging Patterns in Generative AI Apps"

LlamaIndex Workshop: Building RAG with Knowledge Graphs

Date: Thursday, August 24th
Time: 9:00AM - 10:00AM
Location: Remote
Link: https://lu.ma/ypdk06r0

AI Collective Office Warming Party

Date: Friday, August 25th
Time: 7:00PM
Location: San Francisco
Link: https://partiful.com/e/xObOsGjCPuJ9eV2AkvUE

ZKML - Fireside chat with founders of Giza

Date: Saturday, August 26th
Time: 6:00PM - 9:00PM
Location: San Francisco
Link: https://lu.ma/zkmlsf-giza

Future of Decentralization, AI, and Computing Summit

Date: Sunday, August 27th
Time: 8:45AM - 5:00PM
Location: Berkeley
Link: https://rdi.berkeley.edu/events/decentralizationaisummit

AI Salon: Healthcare

Date: Sunday, August 27th
Time: 1:00PM - 4:00PM
Location: San Francisco
Link: https://lu.ma/2780ej2g